MRMHA Volunteer Bond Policy
The purpose of the MRMHA Volunteer Bond Program is to encourage all Association Members to become actively involved in the operation and success of the Association.
The Muskoka Rock Minor Hockey Association (MRMHA) has a membership of approximately 84 players between the age of 4 and 17 years old assigned to 7 teams playing over 150 scheduled games. To operate a quality hockey program significant volunteer work and fundraising is necessary. MRMHA is run completely by volunteers. We have no paid positions.
Although not everyone has the hockey experience and skills to volunteer for on-ice roles, there are many other roles that contribute greatly to the success of our Association, including organizing tournaments, special events/projects and fundraising opportunities like our Tag Day in July, Golf Tournament in September, Cranberry Festival in October and Initiation Fun Day in March 2020. The Volunteer Bond Program has been introduced to encourage Association members to step forward and get involved to keep registration fees as low as possible. Without the help of volunteers, the cost to operate MRMHA would be substantially higher.
More Information: MRMHA_Volunteer_Bond_Policy_Final_Revised_July_15_2019