Muskoka Rock Payment Steps 2020/2021, News (Muskoka Rock Minor Hockey)

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Oct 01, 2020 | jgillis | 2357 views
Muskoka Rock Payment Steps 2020/2021
Hi Families,
We are on the ice!  That means it is also time to collect fees.  It’s been a bit of a learning curve for our executive, becoming a computer programmer and learning to reconfigure the Hockey Canada Registration system to fit our needs.  Thank you for your patience.

**If you have paid by cheque (payment has already been received) or are receiving funding, do not follow these steps.  

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser. It will take you to the Hockey Canada Registration site.

  1. Enter your email address and password.

  1. Your shopping cart will come up.  Click on “Register a Participant”.

  1. Your previous registrations will appear.  Click on the “Register” button beside your child’s name.

  1. Follow the prompts that will get you to the Checkout page.  You can choose to pay in full or make two payments.  You will receive a confirmation receipt when completed.

The deadline to complete payment of fees is Sunday, October 4.  We realize this is a short turnaround. It took a bit of time to reconfigure the system, we are now on the ice and it only takes a couple of minutes to complete the steps above.

We appreciate your patience.

Go Rock!

Bala Cranberry Festival
The Purpose of the Bala Cranberry Festival is to EXTEND the tourist season, and to IMPROVE the quality of life in our community by providing financial assistance to organizations and individuals in need. In 2018 Muskoka Rock Minor Hockey was generously awarded community funding to put towards equipment for new young players to our Association. Thank you to the Cranberry Festival volunteers, visitors and families for your support. Go Rock Go!
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